Page 287 - YB1980
P. 287
JAMES MARTIN CHAMOEflLAIN VIIIGINIA ANN DAVIES f1.D#5 Oox 438,0 0&322 SWFmming; Junior THERESA ANN OIlOPHY 3821 Elmaolr ncoc MICHAEL f1., DAVIES GO Pearl Sneer MARY .JANE CHEEKS 337 Mary Avenue KAliL GORDON ClUGENHAGEN 5341 Drive Rockville, 2085..3 EIIIC DEMETf1.IUS DEGROSS Execurive Council, Store xrim, WILLIAM DONALD COOLAHAN 1616 Meadowood COUrT show necorer. Conrrosr and Corsrcoror. 4625 Magnolia Avenue 21040 Joaz Eosernble. Ter1r"!is; Thebes: Land of Dliamese 54Q Oroodworer Rood Maryland 21012 USA MAillE DELAND Field Fellowship of Chrisrian Arhleres STEHEN mANCIS EVANS 201 louise Aver"!ue Sollsbury Maryland 21801 Execcrlve Council: Senare Bepresenrcrfve Housing and Council Bepreseoronve, orerfrcrer- Phi Delro Tbero. Pres; SUSAN LYN CAr\SON 12300 Dover Road gesrerrov-n. Maryland 211:36 Gf1.EGOf1.Y scon DANIEL Steff Hinge; Two Gentlernen of Verona; Night of The 2717 Appleseed Rood Iguona; Company; Vanities; Sorry, Wrong 21048 USA EMILY FINCH Number; Junior Follies Direcror Mu 1415 Owens Rood
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