Page 126 - YB1980
P. 126
TRACK TEAMS KEEP RUN The men's trock Team finished irs season WiTha 5ยท;) record, losing Twice fa rough SUS- QUEHANNA. AT The annual posr-seoson picnic, Done Cobert was voreo The year's OUTSTanding I performer ond was presented with The Dove RouleTTe Memorial Award. Done ser a Messiah field record of 47'9". hod 0 best of 48'6" a superlo rive season. Elior was beoren only once or 400 meters and ser 0 school record of 49.5 seconds while roldnq fourth or the MAC's, Fred finished fifTh in borh The high ond orerrneoore hurdle roces or The MAC's en roure TOpersonal beSTS of 15.0 and 56.0 Co-copron Doug copped a fine college career by norching personal bests in borh The mile and Three-mile runs. Bob Hoi co-roe had a personal besr in The Three-mile as well new school record or the lnvirorlonol by covering or-e lap in 55 seconds Sophomore Denr Killingsrad had an excellent season in the 440, placing rhird or the MAC's and led off rhe second placing mile relay. fl,oys ron placed rhird in rhe 100 merer hurdles for rhe second and Linl~off norched a personal in the ro finish sixrh Senior Bedw Morrin joined the squad otrer completing her club softball season and once again displayed the relent rhor won her rf-e Women's Alumnae Athletic Award by tal~ing the medal in the MAC Ijcr Runyoo'sooly rhoughr centers on rre boroo in his hond Porro and jim Hanselman for their efforts
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