Page 56 - YB1979
P. 56
Spring: the temperature finally breaks 70 degrees, and suddenly WMC students emerge from their dorms, never to study inside for 2 successive hours again! The "games" program at Western Maryland is renowned to be among the best at colleges on the East Coast. Majors are offered in applied frisbee and softball as well as commercial pinball. Special studies are arranged by the students individually and can encompass specialization in jogging, recreational swimming, pre- professional kite flying and applied sunbathing. WMC students spend long ardous hours perfecting one manuveur on the skateboard, that special flip of the wrist in the frisbee throw, the tennis dink, and the softball grand slam - hopefully not into the first floor window of the Preacher section! Recreation is one of the most popular programs offered in the Spring Semester. Keith Slifer, wheeling and dealing ... An unknown coed goes for the total tan ... 52
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