Page 253 - YB1979
P. 253
Margaret Anne Hoyle Pamela Beth Hudson English Biology / Chemistry As I look back at the past four years, I must ask myself - what have I learned and what will I remember? I feel that my learning extends to a point that is far beyond that reached by any college textbook. I have had to learn bigger and tougher lessons than my professors ever as- signed. My freshman year was a time of learning to be away from my family and to live with new people whom I had never seen before. During my sophomore year I finally started to establish my own little place on campus with all the securities of being accepted and needed. My junior year told me to expand my horizons and open my eyes - I became involved in campus wide activities and was searching for a voice in the way the world around me was run. It was up to our class to set an example for the rest of the campus and this was perhaps the biggest chal- lenge placed before us. I had to first learn my role and then how to fulfill it. My memories of WMC will always be with me as I have come to love the "Hill" very deeply. The times to be remembered are as various and colorful as the people who made them. To take a back campus stroll ... Jonathan Darrell Isaacs English 249
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