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Susan 1. Fairchild De borah Eriksen Boyd Physical Education Social Work 'J'he other evening, I had the pleasure of join- ing a group of seniors in the Pub for a little beer and a lot of conversation. The topic was basi- cally the same as this essay's: Reflections on WMC. Thus, I write not only my ideas, but some of the ideas as expressed by that small group of soon-to-be alumni. Western Maryland College is people - dynam- ic people. It is people who are having thoughts and ideas presented to them in such a way as to necessitate a change in the individual. It is my belief that this i.s..>thesingle most important facet of a liberal arts education. One must learn, not only knowledge, but how to think. More specifically, a college student should learn how to integrate knowledge from many areas and apply it to him/herself and to the surrounding world. Western Maryland has done all of this and more for me. And yet, as I look around and Raymond Joseph Feigl speak with other students, I can see where there Economics/Business Administration are many who have not become active in this process of self-change. For these people, WMC will be nothing but a series of final exam- inations. Looking at this from the perspective of the college community as a whole, the college is losing out on the potential inherent in these students ... ./ 240
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