Page 178 - YB1979
P. 178
1 - Sue Quinn, Photography Editor PASSAGES 1979 2 - Dave Meyer, Editor-in-Chief Jules Ashby, Section Editor 3 - Chris Spencer, Photographer 4 - Jim Termani, Photographer Putting together a yearbook is very hard work but it is also very 5 - Group Picture rewarding. To know that your carefulness is finding out someone's 6 - Glen Barlow, Photographer/Section Editor name or including a good photograph will be appreciated for years 7 - Tom James, Herff Jones Representative to come gives a staff member the feeling that his or her time was Terry Dom, Section Editor spent well. This year the staff has given their all, staying up late to 8 - Jenny Filbey, Section Editor Alison Crispell (group picture) meet deadlines and helping each other out in many ways. We of Cindy Myles, Business Editor (unpictured) the Yearbook staff are very proud of our work, and we feel that Nancy Heinbaugh, Artist (unpictured) we have put out a better book than WMC has seen in a long time. It is our hope that in Passages we have remembered 1978-79 as you would like to have remembered it yourselves. 1 2 3 4 174
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