Page 94 - YB1978
P. 94
Sigma Sigma Tau IIT Sigma Sigma Tau is a group of busy, fun-loving girls often seen on the Hill in scarlet and silver. The Sigmas start their numerous activities, beginning the first week- end in September, with their semi-annual Las Vegas Nile This is followed by rush parties, an Alumni Banquet, a Fall Banquet, a wine and cheese party, cafeteria parties, etc. These are all interspersed with Sundae Sales, car washes, and service projects. Hell Week found lots of skunk-pledges busy with errands for their sisters. Spring Rush, intramural Volleyball, and other assorted activities kept the sisters busy right up to the formal, when every- one got to relax and enjoy the night. This was quickly followed by the Spring Banquet, with the installation of new officers and senior wills. It was a very productive year for the Sigmas, both in activities and friendships 92
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