Page 306 - YB1978
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Editor's Page It's all over now; the copy has been finished, the pictures cropped and layouts completed. It takes a great deal of work to get a book of this size ready to go to print. looking back over the book, I think that the 1978 Mortar, Stones and Memories is one of the best to come out of Western Maryland College. Both the staff and I believe thai we have done the best job possible with the time, money and resources available; we hope that you think so too No book would be complete without a list of thank yous, mine is fairly long but here goes. Thank you Pauline Hayes and Norma Edie - without your help at crucial times we would have never met a deadline. I was very fortunate to have a pair of friends like you on the staff 10 count on. You both pulled more than your share of the weight. thanks Next in the photographic department I would like to thank Sue Quinn and Dave Meyer. I know we got off to a rough start with pictures but with your help we pulled it out. Q, thanks for the pep talks too. I would like to thank Tom James and all of the fine people at Herff Jones Yearbooks. Not many people outside of the yearbook staff know Tom but without his skill, friendship and guidance, the book would have never been started. You're the best, thanks Tom. Thank you Chris Spencer. Your pictures were great, your help during the rough times was greatly appreciated. It was a pleasure to work with you keep in touch. A great big thank yo.u goes out to Teal tones. who did the beautiful artwork for the cover and divider pages. Thanks Teal for a job well done. Thanks Cindy Myles for doing a lot of the groundwork (and the Sports Section) for me. Thank you Debbie Wooden for the Underclass Section, it turned out great. A big thank you to Keith Patterson for all of the little things. I truly appreciated everything that you did. A big thank you also goes to Jim Martin, my friend and roommate. Jim has put up with the book for the past three years. Thanks for helping out all of those limes when I was in a pinch. Also thanks for putting up with all of the complaints and playing secretary for the book. A great big thank you also goes to Meg Hoyle who helped me keep my sanity (?) through the whole thing. I'm sorry for all of the complaining and screaming I did. Also sorry for all of the times I placed the book before you. Thanks for being there, thanks for listening and thanks for putting up with me (and my book). And thank you Mom and Dad - this book is as much yours as it is mine. Thank you for encouraging me to go to Western Maryland and giving me the breathing room to become myself. And finally thanks to the numerous people who helped in all of the small ways (Dave, Nancy. Steve, Mel, Debbie, Pat, Libby, Crystal. Sue. lim T., Bill, Scott, Jeff, Wes, etc.). There are too many of you \0 mention but, in part, this is your book 100. II has been over a year now since we started this project. It has been a long road, at times rough, at limes smooth, but we made it. I hope that the 1978 Morlar, Stones and Memories lives up to everyone's expectations. We have tried 10 capture the spirit that is Western Maryland College, its people and places. This book is not a complete picture, nor does it pretend to be, it is merely a tool which should be used to unlock the memories which you hold in your hearts and minds. Editor !I 304
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