Page 277 - YB1974
P. 277
even though we called this place a rose garden more often it was like crab grass. we'd wiped out the last of the few dying traditions such as comps, the pin-in board, and lantern chain. and jobs. we found out how much the liberal arts education was worth. too bad it took four years to find out. it was rumored that some people relieved the pressure in odd ways. exactly how much good does an obscene phone call to THE BACHELOR SECTION at two-thirty at night do? chuck says the pit is losing its best customers, and even streaking didn't do the trick. the seventy-four days party added a touch of class to an otherwise frocked four years. those cast parties lasted three months past the time when we realized the party was over. we were the only class to leave school with more money in the treasury than when we began. it was difficult deciding how to throw it away. thank heavens it's over, we say. we can finally see what the real world is like. thought the end would never come, we say. so why was everyone crying at graduation? 273
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