Page 299 - YB1973
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KEITH KENNETH GEIGER 50 Randolph Road 68 Highland Avenue Silver Spring, Maryland 20904 1241 Pine Grove Road Chatham. New lersey07928 Political Science-Education Morrisville, Pennsylvania English Delta Sigma Kappa business manager 3; ACCP; Music Band 1,2.3,4; Stage Band 1,2,3,4; [r , Follies; In- Financial Aid Committee; Tennis; Basketball; ~~~!~:~~~t~~d; Student Member EdUC~tor~; ~~~~~: Chapter; Nanona tramurals 2,3; Honor Court 4 SCA Association PATRICIA ANN GELLNER RICHARD EMBREY HALL JERRI ANNE HOPKINS North Walnut Street GAIL LOUISE GilL RisingSun, Maryland 21911 SUSAN WARD HORNER Economics RONNIE MARC GOLDBERG Gamma Beta Chi; Soccer, IFC ~~gb~~d~u~~ ~~~and 21613 26 Velvet Ridge Drive Dir~~~~~~1 :a~~; Owings Mills, Maryland 2117 GREGORY KEITH HARE ~:~-~da~~~;t'g:lta Omicron; Political Science 32 Kemper Avenue Delta Pi Alpha; Gold Bug 1; Intra murals; Inter- Westminster,Maryland 6~~~~~i~:li~Sra~:n~;~d~~~~Oe~:r~Cabaret, Man national Affairs Club President; Delegate to Na- Political Science of LaMancha) val Academy Foreign Affairs Conference 1973 Alpha Gamma Tau; Football 1; SOCcer 2,3,4; Treasurer IFC4; SGA 1 KENT HOWARD GOMPERT RICHARD AUGUST HOUCK, jR 19 Arnold Avenue ARTHUR WILLIAM HARRIS 820 E. Balto Blvd. #11 Closter, New letsey 07624 806 EasleyStreel Westminster. Md. 21157 History-Education SilverSpring,Maryland20910 Political Science Young Republicans Club: luniorFollies; Spanish Chemistry Football Club; Soccer 1,2,3.4; Baseball 1.2; Christian Fel- Gamma Beta Chi; IV Basketball 1; Varsity Bas- lowship 1,2,3,4; Circle K 2; Intramural, 1,2,3; ketbaIl2.3; Vice President SGA 4 SHARON DIANE HUGHES Fellowship of Christian Athletes 4 Oak Grove Road RICHARD ALAN HARTUNG Swedesboro, New Jersey WILLIAM STRAN GOSSARD 714 Brighton Terrace Spanish 432 Druid Hill Avenue Sc