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MARY LOU HUTCHISON 1; S.G.A. 4; Tri Beta 4. EUGENE L. LINDSAY Sociology Mathematics - Economics Hinge 2, 3, 4; Religious Life Council 2, 3, Delta Pi Alpha, corresponding secretary 4; Project HOPE; Barleycakes 2, 3, 4; FREDERICK 1. KIEMLE 2, social chairman 3, treasurer 4; Soccer Christian Fellowship 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, Biowgy 1, 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 1. 3. Delta Pi Alpha; Football, c o-ca p tain ; Wrestling; Intramurals. DONNA M. LITTLETON JAMES A. JOHNSTONE Sociology LINDA R. KIMBALL Mathematics - English - EducauoĀ« 3; Eklesia CARY A. JONES Iota Gamma Chi, vice president 1; Kappa Mu FRAN ANN MCCABE 1, 2; Women's Glee Club Education Economics Epsilon 2, 3, 4; S.N.E.A. secretary 4. Physical Education - Varsity Hockey 1, 2, Delta Sigma Kappa; 3, 4; Varsity Basketball 1, 2, captain 3, 4; 1, 2, 3, 4; Aloha C. LATRELL JONES BARBARA A. KIMMEL Varsity Volleyball 1, 2; German Club 1, 2; 1; French Club Biology Mathematics W.A.A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Cameo Corps 3, vice Alpha Gamma Tau; J.V. Basketball 1; Delta Sigma Kappa, treasurer 3, business president 4. Varsity Basketball 1, 2; Basketball Intra- manager 3, social chairman 4; F.A.C. 3; murals 3, 4. Cameo Corps 3, 4; Dorm Council 2, 4; Aloha 1; Homecoming Court 2. LINDA L. MCGREGOR MARTHA H. JONES French _ Educauon. Psyclwwgy - Sociology Phi Alpha Mu, house chairman 2. 3, so- WILLIAM G. KING JR. Sigma Sigma Tau; S.G.E. 3; 1.S.c. secre- cial chairman 3; French Club, vice presi- Sociowgy tary 3, social chairman and president 4; dent and president 3; Cameo Corps 3, 4; Argonauts 3, 4; Tri Beta 3; Cameo Corps 3. Cheerleaders 3. JEFFREY J. KLUNK SUSAN E. JONES Political Science STEPHEN C. MCSWEENEY 1, 2, 3, 4; S.O.S. 3, 4. Intramurals Art - Education Mathematics College Choir 1, 2, 3; Delta Omicron 2, 3; Gamma Beta Chi; treasurer 3, vice presi- Women's Glee Club L DONALD E. KRUEGER dent 4; Track I, 2; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Band 1, 2; Dance Band 1, Follies; Political Science 2; D.M.S. 4. LINDA J. KARR Yearbook 1, 2, activities editor 3, editor- Psyclwlogy - Sociology in-chief 4; Hinge 1, 2; S.O.5. 1, 2; Chair- Delta Sigma Kappa; Pi Gamma Mu; Wom- man of Publications Board 4; S.G.A. 1, 2; LINDA 1. MCWILLIAMS en's Council; Treasurer of Class; Who's Class Float Committee 1, 2, 4; Varsity Sociology Who; Trumpeters; President of Dorm; Fi Tennis 2, 3, 4; Honor Court 4. Phi Alpha Mu, social chairman 3, ser- nancial Aid Committee; Cameo Corps; geant-at-arms 4; Dorm Council 4; Hockey F.A.C. coNSTANCE R. LAPP 2, 3; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; W.A.A. 3, 4. Art - Education JOAN E. KAUFMAN Phi Alpha Mu; Trash Can. JOAN W. MATTHEWS English Sociowgy FRED 1. LAURENCE Phi Alpha Mu; 1.S.C., vice president 3; Sociology S.G.A. 1, 2; Dorm Council 3; Hockey 1, NATHAN 1. KEHM Alpha Gamma Tau, social chairman 3, 3. president 4; S.G.A. 3; 1.F.C. 3, 4; Foot- ball 1, 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 3, 4; Class Presi. dent 3; Intramurals 1, 2, 3, 4. MARGIE L. KELBEL PHILIP G. MENGES History - Political Science - Education Sigma Sigma Tau; Honor Court 2; March- DIANE E. LEADLEY ing Band 1, 2, 3; S.N.E.A. 4; Yearbook 4. English ARTHUR D. MERKLE JR. S.O.S. 1. Biology ALICE L. KENADY Intramurals 2, 3, 4; Hinge 2, 3, 4; Tri Admissions S.G.A. 2; Mathematics - Education DAVID L. LEDFORD Beta 3, 4; Committee 4; Who's Who 4. and Standards Economics Gamma Beta Chi; German Club I, 2, 3, 4; KENNETH S. KESTER Soccer manager 4; Pi Gamma Mu 3, 4; Biowgy Yearbook 2, 3; Omega Society 1, 2, 3, 4; JEAN M. MEYER Phi Delta Theta; College Band 1; RO.T.C. lntramurals 1, 2, 3, 4; Stage Crew 2. Physical Education 27,
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