Page 208 - YB1972
P. 208
now a travelcr - i did C(JII1Cto kn(Jw tltc l(Jncs(JlI1cncss,tltc II1C. it toot: II1Cncarly j(Jllr ycars, bllt Itcrc i all1. i j(Jllnd a lI1ingling - lI1inds and b(Jdics te« tlt(Jllsand cvcnings spcnt listcning to tltc sll1all s(Jllnd (Jj cvcning, nigltt. cvcryb(Jdy Itas tltc answcrs or tltcy'll lI1akc tltCIl1 lip far Y(JII. jllst ou«. iii likc to kcar a brand ncw qllcsti(Jn. tltc black is n(Jw gray and tltc wltitc lesspllrc. bllt j(Jr tltis, i Itavc gained. a little bcttcr i kn(Jw tltc 111(' by kn(Jwing tltc blend tltc paint is n(Jw lI1ixcd s(JlI1ctill1csi jcel i'vc always bccn jllst passing tltr(JlIglt (In lI1y way, (Jr toward . . . tltcrc's a jcw lI1(JrcIoncs(JlI1ccities tltat iii likc to sec and S(J,lI1ixed and lI1ingled pC(Jpled. i g(J. - rod II1Ckllcn ,..
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