Page 118 - YB1970
P. 118
College Band Tackle 'em, Pummel 'em, Beat 'em to a pulp. Eat 'em up, Chew 'em up, Gulp, gulp, GULP! Equipped with Larry's functional cheers for fractured band, WMC's biggest marching band ever burst into a victorious season. Successfully competing with the hot dog stand for the crowd's attention at half time, they demon- strated heretofore unimagined ability for precision marching to a wide range of music. Under the inspiring leadership of Carl Dietrich, the band grew to an even larger size for the concert season and again showed itself far superior +0 the WMC bands of past years. Continued growth and improvement is almost guaranteed, through the new found spirit of a group that can proudly say they look and sound like a BAND. 114
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