Page 21 - YB1967
P. 21
"It's A Tradition!" Western Maryland College, about to celebrate its centennial, abounds (naturally) in many traditions. One of the oldest, and most popular is the WMC "Hi!" This is used most by professors as they wel- come you back-year after year. Sometimes it is modified to, "You here again?" The campus is characterized by its easy-going nature, free of stifling rules and regulations. Visitors, students and staff find parking a pleasure. The con- venieace of having a car right on campus is greatly appreciated and has always been a much revered tradition. Many of the courses offered at this school are also traditions. Chief among the customs of freshmen is taking biology, flunking biology, taking biology. This particular course has long been lauded in song, tale, and hmmm,. . what's the word? Conviviality, too, is a tradition. Friendliness is fostered through the numerous activities offered to the student hody each year. Prominent among these are the parties held in off-campus establishments, where much gaiety, eating and intellectual conversa- tion takes place. Often these are fancy dress occasions for which students display their finery. Each one is careful to be on his best behavior in order to preserve the image of the school.
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