Page 198 - YB1967
P. 198
It's Come At Last, At Last It's Come, The Day We Knew Would Come At Last Has Come At Last The history of any class at WMe proceeds through many of the same activities and traditions as any other, but the individuals in the class of '67 have made these past four years all our OW11. As bright-eyed, bushy tailed freshmen, we were all for setting the campus afire with enthusi- asm-some preferred starting with the biology department. "Unity" KATHLEEN RUTH A~DERSO~ was our byword--cand all of six or seven braved the icy wind and snow PsycnOLOCY to create "Snoopy," who captured first prize at the first and Inst annual Phi Alpha Mu, V.P. 4: ISC -S: pedal Snow Carnival. For the Freshmen girls, spring cleaning started in the Housing Council 4: ALOHA; Psycbol- men's donns and ended in the men's dorms, all in about four exhaust- ogy Club 3; Junior Follies. ing hours. But with spring bursting forth, young women's fancies turned to the Sadie Hawkins Dance, one of the most successful dances that year, a perfect idea 10 keep as a class project every year-but we never did. That was the year of the Preacher army spilling over their comer of the grille, while the girls were packing away cookies and slurping punch on Wednesday afternoon". The year wound up with extra crepe paper on the lanterns to keep the candles from blowing out -but it didn't help. The fall of 1964 brought rash promises by sopho- mores that "sororities won't split us up," and the strength of those vows was evidenced by the overwhelming number who sacrificed soror- ity-fraterniry floats to develop "Jason and The Golden Fleece"-yes, AR\IOLD JUDITH A \\ that u:a.f the sophomore class homecoming Roat! 1964·65 was also a IIISTORy-FR£SCII.[oUCATIO:\ very good year for class meeting attendance--they could easily have 3.-'. Argonaut.!! I; 3, Pi Gamma been held in the grille phone booth. Due to mammoth resources in our SOS 2, 3; Operation Hin~el: Mu Younp; class (or at least we'd like 10 think that was a good reason), the Fresh. Democrat. 2, 3; MS't I, 2. 3, -I; .\ men Advisory Council was opened to Juniors in 1965·66. Our grand 1,2; French Club I, 2, 3, -S; S\EA I, and glorious junior year was fraught with friendly Follies fights. After 2,3, 'k five or six rounds of tradition versus Broadway show, we proved to evervone, including ourselves, how successful a "horrendous" show can be! But even before tryout .. had been held, four or five brave souls had served that 5 a.m. breakfast to the senior class that morning before Christmas vacation! Springtime brought new ODK members, Trumpet- ers, and the Ist off-campus Jr.·Sr. Banquet. Rosecup ceremonies dis- guised the notorious "trench" for a couple of hours at least. The end of the year caught some of us holding our breath counting quality points 10 'lee if investiture meant we were really seniors. Then it was the fall of 1966 and will the real 96th graduating class of Western Maryland College plea ..e step forward? ow it's cur turn to student leach, to take GRE's and comprehensives, to apply for jobs, to count credits, and to cry a lot. And now it's all over! The class of 1967 would like to pay tribute to the members of their year who were nominated and chosen for Who's Who in American Uni- ver-ities and Colleges. Throughout tile senior section are the leaders who have emerged during the past four yean, the friend'! we have worked with, and the leaden; we are proud to acknowledge.
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