Page 192 - YB1967
P. 192
Where, Oh Where ... In '68 we'll graduate. We're near the final stage. Alexander,K. One more count, and we'll blast off into ..... For the Arid:.C. moment, though, we're juniors-a Fraction of the whole. A versatile, talented class, growing to know more of ourselves through each other. Out of "sophomore slump," but upperclassmen? Us? Part of the Baby Boom; we've got quality and quan- tity. Growing-and assuming responsibility: Parents' Day. the Follies (Mom, Dad, and Marybelle), the Iun- ior-Senior Banquet, and a rose to those who are leaving us behind. Arnold.L Arnold, P. Involvement is the key ... and interaction. We're a class of athletes, of musicians, of artists, of scien- tists. We're a class of big talkers, party people, big actors, big reactionaries, and bearded ones. We're rough drafts, soon to become high on the Hill. In '68 we'll graduate, but that year is getting impos- sibly close. Will we make the fourth? It's been known to happen, and there's no doubt-we 1uill make it! What in the world are we going to do? Yes, that's it-what Ayre •• S. in the world? Be.ll,1C. Be.Ua.W. Black, J. &.well, R. Bmon, E. Brehm, Y. Canon, A. Onitl)e,A. Ok-bon, M. Clark.S. Dowo.&, D. iss
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