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There Once Were Some L -\ndenon 8. AndreYl C. Broiles Rats On The Hill And then the rains came-right down on the class of 1970 on September 14. "Only one more trip and I think everything will be in." Three trips later, the same confident statement. Fourth floor fathers swore each trip was their last. PICfURES!? '" can't possibly have my picture taken today! Look how (circle one: curly, straight, pretty) my hair is!" But the pictures were snapped anyway. All the girls were boy-searching and all the boys were traveling incognito. "(Ih, but I can't possibly go out with him. Johnny and T agreed not to date others!" And the $64,000 question was, "Who will remain loyal to the home front the longest?" At the first two mixers, the freshman boys made an honest effort, but when the upperclassmen returned, the freshmen found they were fighting a losing battle. But any- way, they had already decided that the girls did, in fact, have to pass an ugly test to enter this academy of higher learning. And the GRILLE! Everybody and his grandmother "fraternizes" at the Grille. But later they learned that it was only, after all, a Procrastinator's Paradise. And then one day, a cloud of gloom was lowered upon the Hill-c-classes. After a few weeks, a cry arose: "This place would be great if it weren't for classes!" But then, every cloud doesn't have a silver lining. Rat Week was not as ratty as the big cheeses had prom. ised. Instead of bio., everyone was studying "I'm just n poor Bachelor ...... But it was all in vain, for nobody cared to hear from the freshmen. However, after that week, ...... ~-,- a huge sigh of relief was heaved by all freshmen, for now ;:::..:::~""'.-_,:._- they could end all this foolishness and wander down the collegiate path (without a railing) that they were destined to trod. 176
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