Page 63 - YB1966_Classical
P. 63
NORMA ARLENE ABSHER PSYCHOLOGY IOta Gamma Chi; SOS 1,2; Psychology Club (Vice President 3, Presi- dent 4); Girl's Intramurals 1,2; Class Historian 3,4. Dr. Miller's girl Friday ... 209 Memorial Hall ... "This plant has 35 College leaves" ... IFC 4 "And how is your self-concept today?" ... Once had a roommate Bottle collector ... Three years in Chandler House ... Likes to TYP Gritch ... Baby Car ... Anti-Breakfast League. ROGER BENNET ADLER POLITICAL SCIENCE Track Team 1; Soccer Team 3,4; Tennis Team 3; GOLD BUG 2,3; J.S.A. 1,2,3,4 (President 3,4); Delta Pi Alpha (Purchasing Agent 3,4). "Roger" ... Yahweh's son ... Tom Wolfe is boss ... The long silence ... The lost semester ... Four colleges in 3l1z years ... Honor Court 3 ... The Jewish Preacher ... Bermuda Schwartz ... "Should I care- I doubt it-not anymore" . . . "I gave them their chance and they blew it." CARTER BRENT ADRIANCE ENGLISH IFC 3,4 (President 4); SCA 1,2,3; MSM 1,2,3,4; SGA 4; College Band 1,2; Weslyans 1,2,3,4 (President 2,3; Vice-president 3,4); Pi Alpha Alpha (Chaplain 2, IFC Rep. 3); Janitor 3,4. "Carter" ... You're preflight? ... Known at times to be unorthodox ... Did someone mention the IFC by-laws? ... It's a great day for a bicycle ride ... I dig Jesus ... Would make a good Methodist priest-only there's Norma ... And what's wrong with Drew? ... Your friendly janitor. What's for today-Lieben or arbei- Honor (sic)~hat crimes are com- They told me I was going to clean ten? miued. in thy name. up this year but ...
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