Page 188 - YB1966_Classical
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LORRAINE LOUD KAY COLEMAN PAESIDENT-I VICE PRESIDENT-I BOBBIE WARRICK JUDY GOLDSTEIN SECRETARY-I TREASURER-I RUTH BOWDEN SUE RECKORD SECRETARY- II TREASURER-II DIANA LONG CAROL MORELOCK PAESIDENT-II VICE PRESIDENT-II The songs of Sigmas ... 26 new pledges ... "our hearts will be blessed with the joy of friendship" . . . pledges cast a new light on the clubroom . . . Hell week was all a big yolk keyed up pledges serenade ... Sigma's tall: our seniors first floor Blanche Ward: the livin' end . . . Long on ideals and Loud in the Grille . . . a little scent'll do you ... new jackets: a bevy of burgundy ... Christmas party and Thanksgiving baskets . . . Mean- while, back at the Ranch ... A spirited ski-weekend ... Sigma snow job ... Frug to 'Peg 0' My Heart ... assorted Sigma sports . . . "Are you man enough for Sigma room service? Second semester and 5 new pledges ... "do and say rhymes with pray-Kay" ... "Times are chang- ing" . . . the Sigma enigma . . . Scentimental seniors at spring banquet especially ... "For health and strength, for loving care, for Sigma Sigma Tau sisters everywhere. "Fide et amore" ... and thanks ... SUE OSBORNE CAROL PINCKNEY LOUISE RAMSEY SHARON REDINGER ELLEN REINHART PEGGY RHODES , • ~ I .' NINI SLOAN LINDA SULLIVAN DONNA THOMAS KATHERINE WATSON MIMI YARRISON MRS. PHILIP SCHAEFFEr.
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