Page 158 - YB1966_Classical
P. 158
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS CLUB Left to right, Row l:M. Psaris, J. Shedd, M. Cole, P. Cullen. Row 2: D. Chance, E. Meginsky, R. Wesley, H. Durity. Row 3: D. Doss, G. Porter, C. Akagi. The IRC attempts to bring to the cam- pus knowledgeable speakers on contem- porary and controversial topics. The club has sponsored a faculty forum on the India-Pakistan dispute; a World Federalist; a student relating his experiences in Viet- namese villages; a professor who objects Le Cercle Francais, under the sponsor- to the Viet Nam policy; and others who ship of Mme. et M. Jacques Derasse, culti- presented definite views on events of the vates an active interest in the French lan- past year. guage and culture. The biggest even of each year is the Fete Noel which attracts a large number of the students, faculty, and townspeople. Members of Ie cercle perform in plays, sing French Christmas carols, and dance the traditional steps of the French peasants, but everyone present has an opportunity to participate in the festivities. FRENCH CLUB Left to right: R. Robinson, E. Cahn, J. Baer, A. Schwartzman, C. Kauffman, K. Johnson, R. Mayamona, S. Jacobs, S. Griffin.
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