Page 152 - YB1966_Classical
P. 152
Help wanted . . . fun, danger, excite- ment . . . prestige, honor, respect . . . opportunities, unlimited . . . work with a closely knit organization . . . you, too, can vote against Article Six ... respon- sibility: Homecoming, Tree-lighting, May Day, sNOw Carnival . . . big plans . . . Conference ... new ideas, new equipment, new letterhead . . . old problems, old cokes, old co-operation ... go places (Annapolis, Washingron, Harvey Stone) · .. meet people (Tydings, Tawes, Willis) ·.. see things (dreams, hallucinations, nightmares) ... G. Lord Harry "I'm personally responsible for nine thousand dol- lars!" Frank, star of the minutes ... SGA Unhung Hero, Rob Robert's (Hearn) Rules of Order ... Benny, Calendar Girl for a whole year ... "I'm sorry, Dr. Ensor, but Commence- ment hasn't been scheduled a week in advance" ... "Carolyn, we just got back from the Frostburg Conference, and we want you to type the minutes for the past five years over again-in triplicate." ... Army camouflage curtains . . . SGA up a tree · .. "We ought to be in pictures" ... paint the office,again?!? · .. come early stay late ... Please Knock ... Right to 31, left 4 times stoppping at 6, back to 83, knock twice, give the secret sign, scratch your back 3 times, and you can use the phone . . . let's take a vote ... we'll meet at 5 P.M. to rehearse for the meeting ... Burn, dorm, burn ... blot the BLOT ... May I have your attention for a few million announcements? Dangerous Dan . . . stop looking so smug · . . everybody out of the pool room . . . bring your voice down about 3 octaves for those announcements . . . We have to stick together, nobody else likes us! ... Executive Committee's extracurricular ac- tivities ... SGA, a graven image ... trying to live it down ... I ran for SGA because I wanted everyone to like me ... What do you expect to do, now that you are an officer: "I plan to cry a lot." ... ODK, Trumpeter, Argonauts . . . Maybe the Freshmen like us . . . Working long and hard and enjoying it.
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