Page 128 - YB1966_Classical
P. 128
"'Well, hello Freshmen." ... tests? On the first day? carrying yellow schedule cards and maps Power and Politics ... sharp insights into the ideas of men . . . Honor Court wraps up another "case" . learning new games on the golf course . still unpacking and still under the illusion that dining hall food is good ... memories of home cooked meals and the long wait for 'letters from home' ... Questions?? Ask the FAC . . . A Western Maryland mixer? ... Our own world-upper-classmen invade and suddenly we become "Rats" on the Hill. PJst~ I can't remember where my dis- cession group meets-Lewis dorm or Winslow Hall. Girls, just remember to use deo- dorant and graduate a virgin. Lastly, I'd like to warn you about two little boys ... 125
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