Page 103 - YB1966_Classical
P. 103
JAMES A. RAUCH PRE- DENTISTRY Tri-Beta 2,3,4; Men's Glee Club; Honor Guard 1; Intramurals 2,3,4; Reserve Officers Association; CONTRAST 1; Pi Alpha Alpha (Treas- urer 4). everyday Did you say something? ... Let's go down to Maryland ... "Tea- pot" ... Only seven labs this week ... Gamma Phi guy . . . OK you guys, let's shape up ... It's Lewis Hall forever One of Sturdivant's boys ... Served a hitch for Col. Willis Well, Md. U. has a little bit to offer, anybody ... Military lab again!" JAMES LEWIS RECK MATHEMATICs-EDUCATION SUSAN RICHARDSON RECKORD PHYSICAL EDUCATION-EDUCATION Sigma Sigma Tau 2,3,4 (Assis. Treasurer 4); Intramurals 1,2,3,4; Var- sity Hockey 2,3,4; JV Basketball 2,3,4; Varsity Volleyball 3,4; WAA 1,2,3,4 (Vice-president 4); ALOHA 4 (Typing Editor); GOLD BUG 4; FAC 4. "Sue" ... Purple Heart for rooming with Ruthie for four years . . . I'll never ski again ... When I get my car- ... One of joanie's girls . . . Rotten grapes and fruit fIys . . . I hate naturally curly hair ... One of the Forest-In crowd ... Are you ready yet? ... New- portitis ... But Ruth! . . . The MG is running . . . From McDaniel to Blanche Ward. From the looks of things, it's almost Ruthie, if you don't get up this tea time. Can 1 make a shot here too? minute ..
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