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• • ... is more than an idea or an inspiration when you have the tools with which to work, and a printer who is qualified and interested F~ & DAVIES offer'" 0 Prof"",,'onal consultation and """,.te.nce in planning and prepe""lion of your book. SA complete .upply of material. and equipment for your use in producing a "customized" book 0 E~pert in.plant cooroinstion 01 your material with pol"",,,,,i attention to every detaiL CiJEIperienced COpy prep pe"",nnei who help perfeclmaterialand proofread your copy s. well as your proof. a minimumo! lour time•. SPrinting craftsmen dedicated to pro- ducinga book worlhy of the Foole &. Davi"" label which'huappeared on fineyearbOokaforover60years. • & DAVIES in mind. Plan and design with FOOTE , TELEPHONE 404451-4511 FOOTE & DAVIES DIVISION OF MoCALL CORPORATION POST OFFICE BOX 1000 DORAVILLE, GEORGIA 30040 DISTRICT OPFICES: PITTSBURGH, P. O. lk>x 8288, P,TTSBURGH, PA. 15218 • ANN ARBOR, 2838 Yorkshi .... Road, 'ANN ARBOR, MICH, 48104 • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, P. O. Sol< 1137, L.l.NGL"~ PAlIK, MD. 20787 • BUFFALO. 6 WestvIew Place, ORCHAftl) P"IIK. N. Y. 14127 • NEW YORK, 47_35 59th St., WOODSIDE, N. Y. 11317.
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