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To see, but not to know.. To observe, but not become Approached sincerely and realistically, these goals came a part, to talk, but not really communciate ... To travel, within reach. Puerto Rico gave us the opportunity to parti- hut not Jive with the people. This happens to the average cipate in the world search for understanding among people. traveler for whom Puerto Rico is not very different from The libraries themselves culminated a year of work by other tourist attractions. fifty students. These functioning libraries now in the com- To the eight members of the 50S field team, Puerto Rico munities of Aguirre and Ensenada evidence our concern for became much more than a tourist's Isle of Enchantment. the people there. For six weeks it was our home. We had the opportunity not Our concern, however, went far beyond the doors of the only "to observe," but also "to become a part of" the Puerto libraries. We lived with families; we participated in com- Rican culture. munity life; we were involved in group work with children; Both Puerto Rican communities were built in the shadow we came to know and, to a greater degree than before, of a sugar company and sheltered separate clusters of Puerto understand the Puerto Rican people. Through personal Ricans and Continentals who seemed unsure how to relate to relationships and communication deeper than words, we one another. In these towns our task was to observe, to left more than libraries in Puerto Rico, we left part of learn, to promote good will. Idealistic? Certainly! ourselves-Friends. 240
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