Page 194 - YB1965
P. 194
ROTC-Some remember only the cold sweat be- MILITARY fore pride cleaning responsibility others at and the felt a true sense of the oily smell IG inspection the annual that M-I; after of and command SCIENCE "Present a few recall preceding the Star feeling Spangled Ban- Arms" as a spats- ncr; that tingling Anne's clad unit rippled to a Queen are the Homecoming Queen. The advanced salute 'before students often heckled and mocked by frat brothers, just in jest, but they are $40.00 a month richer. Since 1919, the Hill has sent second lieutenants to the Orient, the Continent, some good, some av- erage. Realization of responsibility and self-confi- dence, whether in mastering the manual of arms or in escorting a sponsor to the Military BaU, is instilled in each graduating cadet. Some will re- member the Gap, both its test and its instruction; some will never live in a barracks or experience the regimented life, except for two required years as a MS. Yet, said or merely thought, Duty, Honor, Country is not just a corny cliche. The cans of Bresee, Kiwi shoe polish, cleaning solution are ROTC. Shining brass, leadership, ded- ication are ROTC. The letters from alumni in Ger- many or on the 38th parallel tell of the travel, the maturation to the men who had those most impor- tant bars pinned on their shoulders at Graduation. To the campus, ROTC is a drill unit in the parades, a band at basketball games, a sea of green every Tuesday. Yet, the ROTC Department is also the fifty-starred flag, slowly ascending the mast to the apex, where it overlooks the Chapel, Western Mary- land College, a self-chosen way of life.
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