Page 136 - YB1965
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First row, left to right: A. Allen, C. Arick, L. Arnold, P. Arnold, K. Johnson. Fi}th row, left to right: M. Adler. J. Anthony, T. Bar. S. Ayres, A. Bailer, K. Bell, L. Berry, J. Black, B. Blades, P. Bodnar, bour, R. Becker, 1. Benson, L. Blumberg, R. Boswell, D. Boyes, R. Y. Brehm. Second row, le}t to Tight: E. Brooks, J. Butterfosa, E. Browne, T-. Brust, D. Burrill, L. Carlson, R. Cartwright, D. Cheng, Cahn, A. Carson, A. Christie, S. Clark, A. Cooney, 1. Dawson, J. De J. Clark. SiXth TOW, left 10 right: L. Coburn, J. Cordyack, A. Corson, Bernardo, M. De Haven, M. Dickson, S. Dougherty, J. Dowell. Third J. Dameron, T. Dawson, H. Durity, L. Eisenberg, B. Ellenberger, G. row, left to right: D. Downs, S. Edens, P. Euker, S. Eyler, K. Falker, Fass, E. Fishel, P. Ford, T. Fowler, H. Fox, D. Frankforter, R. Garret. S. Faulkner, M. Fisher, B. Fleming, L. Folckemer, A. Franz, P. Geb- son. Seventh row, le}t to Tight: R. Gentry, W. Gibson, H. Goldberg, hard, C. Gimbel, G. Gracey, P. Graffam, D. Greenlee. Fourth row, left to right: S. Griffin, K. Grossnickle, D. Gudrian, C. Hannemann. k ~O~:t~l,ay.'.~~r~~~t~~iK: ~ib~:!~~tLDHi~~~tHo~m~~~tR~' H~~f~~~e~: M. Happel, D. Hare, K. Henley, K. Hess, E. Hitchner, 1. Hoffman, Huseman. Eighth row, left to right: W. Jolly, S. Jones, D. Keefer, W. K. Holm, D. Holmes, C. Hooper, L. Howard, P. Howser, L. Jameson, Laesaig, F. Laird, T. Landis, R. Lemmon, P. Lewis, 1. Little, B. Me creery. King Sisco I rules over the mighty tribe of '68 whose members have packed their wigwams, loaded their ponies, and after sending final smoke signals to the braves and squaws left behind, travelled up the mountain trail to the great reservation on the Hill. "Ugh," said the brave warriors of this mighty tribe. "Ugh," said the maidens in answer, and they all went off to pray to the Bio god. But great is the wrath of the Bio god who took many scalps before returning to his cave. In dismay the children of the savage plains looked to the skies for help, but none CLASS OF '68 came , , , but, wait! With a cloud of dust and a hearty heigh-he silver, the noble masked professor from the flat lands of a distant Western Civilization came prancing across the quad to aid the heathen. But alas and alack and psaw, all he could offer was an "ugh," two silver gigs, and the feather and egg laid by the Holy Ghost, No longer are the tribesmen of '68 warm in the lodgings of their elders, No longer will they be fastened to the raw- hide of their mothers' loincloths, They must hunt the buffalo alone, strip his hide for clothing, and chew his flesh for nourishment (for no other can be found on this reservation). They will spend many moons to come in their teepees, burn- ing the midnight bison fat and dreaming of the day that they can step from the reservation to the land of their fathers as full-feathered braves and squaws. And there, stealthily climbing Stoney's Cliff, is one of the agile tribesmen who raises his arms to say-you should only ask, so what can I tell you?-"Ugh," 132
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