Page 124 - YB1965
P. 124
ANN MICHAEL WEINSTOCK ENGLlSH-HISTQRy·EDUCATlON SNEA 2,3,4 (Secretary 3, President 4); Religious Life Council 3,4 (Secretary 4); ]SA 1,2,3,4 (Secretary 3, Vice- president 3); GOLD BUG 1,2,3; SOS 2,3; English Club 3,4; Delta Sigma Kappa. "Ann" ... "Can't you wait for the phone? I'm expecting a call any minute" . _ . "It's a quarter of seven, Bonnie" · .. T forgot that T volunteered to help! . _ . "We have one just like that in West Hartford" .. "Pass the salad, please". . "We need some air in here" .. _ But we won't think about it ... Breakfast, more or less, every morning · .. Who needs sleep? ... "I found my note!" Ice cream lover .. "That's great!" EDWIN HUGH WELCH SOCIOLOCY Basketball Team 1,2; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4; MSM 1,2,3,4 (President 3); SeA 1,2,3,4 (Treasurer 3); Wes- leyans 1,2,3,4 (President 3); Religious Life Council 3,4 (Chairman 4); Junior Follies; SGA 4; Pi Alpha Alpha (Chaplain 3, Secretary 4). "Ed" . 5'18" by size 16 ... Honorary member of David House ... "Is that spelled D-R-E-W?" Who's Michal- son? . What's the Dr. G fan club? ... Pat who? .. "She won't tell me!" ... There's seminary, post graduate work, and then ... Dr. Earp says don't get married. "It's a great life, folks!!" SYLVIA ALAINA WHITE HISTORy.EDUCATION GOLD BUG 1,2,3; ALOHA; Honor Court 3; SNEA 4; Girls' Intramurals 1; Junior Follies; Phi Alpha Mu (Social chairman 3). "Syl" ... "Sylbe" ... One of the four to pay $75 for Phi Alph bid ... "Party in the library?". . Member of the tank division ... Watching tennis matches paid off . Four year Phi Alph .. McDaniel House Girl ... Four year roommate plan ... "Big: Daddy and I are buddies" "Too late for breakfast, too early for · .. Mischief Maker in the dining hall .. One of the Black lunch." Stocking Trio .. Pinned to a Honker from the Shore. 120
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