Page 54 - YB1964
P. 54
Tree-lighting in McDaniel Lounge _ _ _ Cold noses, warm Christmas hearts, hot chocolate, and burnt tongues . . . Caroling around a happy piano ... In a pine-paneled ski lodge, a warm fire, warm saxophone; and warm sweaters add per- sonality to a fresh idea in dances . . . The Hideaway on Cherry Hill Road . . . Decorated doors, gingerbread men and old-fashioned Trumpeters ... Dining Hall redecorated with carols, Christmas placemats, a tree, and a Santa named George ... Ho-ho-ho-v-two dorm mothers on Santa's lap · .. Give me a B-L-A-N- ... Seniors merrily caroling to a sleeping town ... "I can't sing, my tongue is frozen!" · .. Our last Christmas here ... Frozen fingers, noses, and toeses ... Yule spirit gingerly spiced with "pep and unity" · .. Up all night-final drink and toast with classmates ... Who would give a test the last day? There's no place like home ... No money left for gifts Home for a long winter's nap ... Plays, banquets, parties, bold mistletoe kisses, smell of pine, carolers, laughter, bustling happiness -Christmas on the Hill, warmly bundled in a mantle of tradition.
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