Page 204 - YB1964
P. 204
GEORGE McLANAHAN KNEFEL Y, JR. BIOLOGy-PREĀ· MEDICAL Beta Beta Beta 2, 3, 4; Omicron Delta Kappa; SGA 3, 4; Men's Council 4; ALOHA (Patron manager); IFC 3, 4 (President 4); FAC; Reserve Officers' Association 3, 4; Lettermen's Club 3, 4; Soccer Team 1, 2; Wrestling Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Gamma Beta Chi. "Bud" ... Gonna play doctor at Maryland Med-school . . . "Lots more of Carol" Art House '64 ... Middle name's "Early" ... "Organization" Often seen running around campus ... "I love wrestling?" ... "Partial" to red and blue ... "Gotta have a party" ... "This is a man's world" ... Pet peeve-people who don't love WMC ... The essentials of life: a man's vocation and his mate. Dining hall demon ... "Do not pass go; do not collect $200." "I can dream, can't I?" "Honest, Dr. Sturdivant, I don't know what happened to the quadrate bone!" JOHN FRANKLIN KRESSLER BIOLOGY-PRE-MEDICAL Beta Beta Beta 2, 3, 4 (President 4) ; IRC 1, 2; FAC; College Play- ers 2,3; MSM 1, 2, 3,4; Wesleyans 1, 2, 3; Reserve Officers' Associa- tion 3, 4; Intramural Sports 2, 3, 4; Pi Alpha Alpha (Secretary 3). "John" ... Dr. Casey to be ... One of Lord Jim's boys Pi Alpha Alpha's star first baseman ... "Tri-Beta uber alles!" . "What's the word for 'rabbit,' Professor Willen?" ... "Haa-hh!" ... "It's impossible to beat Miller!" ... "I don't see how you do it, Buzz!" ... "Schroeder" ... Calculus and cattails ... Lover of beautiful teeth ... "Well, here's what Robert Frost says about it ... " ... Lives in Lewis Hall ... Laundromat after chapel ... Known to disagree with Dr. Crain. "Western Maryland must be around here somewhere!" ROBERT HERMAN KRUHM, II SOCIOLOGY Contrast 1,2; IRC 1,2 (Treasurer 2) ; Student Evaluation Commit- tee; College Players 1, 2; Delta Pi Alpha. "Bob" ... "Don't use my name in vain" ... "Well, according to my principles ... " ... "Didn't we go together in different high schools?" ... "I hate work" ... "Well, it's living a full life" ... "Carpentry is not an exact science" . .. "Let's bounce" ... "See ya" ... "Right, right" ... "It's only money" ... "I may be late, but at least I'm consistent! " 212
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