Page 147 - YB1964
P. 147
S. Sunderland F. Wade W. Wrightson r. Abel P. Alexander D. Amico J. Baer F. Kidd A. Lange R. Lerch D. Noble A. Renkwitz R. Robertson R. Basye Delta Pi Alpha The hairy Purple and Gold SMOK-bird flew forth with its usual vigor this year, as Delta Pi Alpha soared high- er and higher to the strains of "My God, how the money rolls in." D. lett B. Knowles Under the sterling leadership of loose Bruce Read, the hardy knights infiltrated almost every phase of cam- pus life. Bruce "ROTC" Knowles took up boxing (on the football field), cherubic Bo shot his arrows and even joined the Argonauts, Rick White ran touchdowns, and Dave Blizzard prayed for deliverance from fleshly lusts while burning the Delta's chair. The other brothers carried on their nefarious activities, too numerous to mention, with the gusto of a whole pack of hound dogs. Many ears turned pink when the ugliest pledge class in Preacher history serenaded the young ladies with such dandy ditties as "Puff, the Faggot Dragon." The noble traditions of the frat were upheld in style. Pubic Pete became crash number three on a midnight ramble to New York in roomie's car, and "Nose" Amico won the Lover of the Year award. The Preacher parties were greater than Nero's orgies. The dining hall five played (?), "Dirty Dave" Eaton sang, and brothers did the bird, the dog, the monkey, and the whole menagerie until the cops carne. While Fuhrmann counted more than four million mag- gots on campus, the brothers changed forever the West- ern Maryland concept of a social event with the Christ- mas Dance at the "Hideaway Ski Lodge." A good time was had by all, hut when the Houserockers showed up, even Dean Howery started to swing, proving that nothing will ever dampen the spirits of the passionate Preachers! 155
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