Page 109 - YB1964
P. 109
Aloha There's no book so bad that something good may not be found in it. Cervantes As with several of the other campus organizations, we The glory of our success (?) must go to Bill Penn, who, decided to discard the traditional formal pictures of the as business manager, conjured up money like Midas_ Ably ALOHA staff in favor of several candid photos of the group assisted by Jane Allgire, Bill Chase, Pebble Willis, Streett at work. When the deadline arrived, however, we discovered Broadbent, Barry Lazarus, Carole Richardson, A. Weller, that among the 3,762 pictures we've handled, all we have Barb Owens, Dennis Quinby, and Marilyn Van Scoter (a of ourselves besides this innocent-looking picture of a not-so- staff of people who took deadlines with frightening serious- innocent business staff are two pictures of the editor stand- ness), Bill ran business meetings according to parliamentary ing on the desk, one of the photographer in the waste can, procedure, (The editorial staff was not run at all; it just and one of the staff spurring the economy of Westminster sort of functioned}. by visiting one of its more popular establishments, (Actually Credit for meeting deadlines at all must go to Clair Pond, it's just as well we're not pictured: now all the other organi- who, with Judy Firestone, relieved the editor of such minor zations we treated informally can't complain. tasks as organization and such maj or tasks as prodding. It is also a mistake to dignify our little group by calling Credit for compiling anything with which to meet said it an "Organization." It was the night before the final dead- deadlines must go to photographer Dave Robson, who took, line (after three postponements) and we still weren't or- cropped, and laid-out ninety-eight per cent of the pictures ganized. But we don't fit under the other categories, either, in the book (assisted by a retinue consisting of layout editor except maybe "Sports," if you want to count the tangerine Shirley Stauffer and her staff of Carol Davis, Diane Simpson, battles we had in the office. a few dozen others, and T he Family of Man)_ This has been a year of ALOHA firsts (or perhaps Sue "make it creative" Gordon had the thankless job of ALOHA lasts). It is the first ALOHA to be printed on off- scrounging up copy to fill in around the pictures, and Mari- set, the first to tell the truth about Western Maryland, the lyn Van Scoter and Betty Roeder did the dirty work of first to use metal in the cover, and the first to have two typing and proofreading. Editor Dottie Beck typed copy, supplements (which you'll have to glue in yourself) _ It is posted slogans on the office wall, arranged the furniture, the first ALOHA staff to work all night (three times), the licked stamps, and refereed the tangerine battles. first to finish with a surplus of five hundred dollars, and So here it is, the 1964 ALOHA, the result of seven months the first to surpass the SGA as the most spastic organiza- of labor, love, and laughter. We hope we've gotten your pic- tion on campus. We are also the first to entirely ignore ture in it somewhere-any mistakes will be corrected in the consistency in punctuation. next edition. 117
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