Page 97 - YB1963
P. 97
VIRGIN1A LEE HUMMEHY French - Education Sigma Sigllla 1'(111 2,3,4 (Sullshine C/winl!a/J. 2); SCA 1,2,3,4; MSM 2, 3, 4 (Publicity Clwirnw/J. 3, Vice-President 4); May Court 1,3; POIII. POIII Girls 2, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3, 4 t Secretunj 4); SEA 3, 4 (Treasurer 4); SOS 3, 4; lwuor Fotliee, FAC. "Cmger" Procrastination Club .. Sweetness personified, "Guess what!" . A!W'IYS late.. Laughs like Santa Gets dates mixed up ... Scotch through and through.. Hygiene room addict . Tn-daily hnirsets , "I'm so FAT!" ... Sets dock 25 minutes fast. Collects baby pictures ., Bound for Greece and Paris. SUSAN DELUCA HUNKLES Physical Education - Education Band 2, 4; Neunnan cu» I, 2, 3, 4; l ntramurai Sports I, 2, 3, 4; Hockel} Team 2; SEA 3, 4; junior Follies. "Sue" The No-Doz kid ... Rationalizer extrnordinaire .. Ten roommates in four years .. Gave up bridge for housekeeping ... Accident prone, .. October, 1961-"1 will not go out with that freak!", Septe[~lber, 1962-:-married him. "Marriage is like sentencing yourself to the guillotine . but what a way to go!" SUSAN MADELINE BUSHTON Art Phi Alpha Mu 2, 3, 4; ALOHA; GOL[) Bee 1; SeA I, 2, 3, 4; MSiH I, 2; lntramural S11OI'IS 1; French Club 1; YOl/ng Republica1ls 4; Artisis Anonymous 3, 4; Junior Follies. "Sue". Ten best-dressed .. , "Did you say that boy was pre- med?" .. Addicted to red hair., "Which gentlemen prefer blondes?" ... Famous red nightgown ... Breakfast at Colonial'~ ... Procrastination Club . i\-lafia .. Grundy carrier Roomed with Miss Maryland.
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