Page 45 - YB1963
P. 45
Charles E. Crain, A.B., B.D., Ph.D" Asso- cilile Praiessor of Religiorl (llid Director of Reiigior',I'A(:liuities . . . . and struggled with the reasons and the doubts. Willium C. ,','!iller, A.n., S.T.B., Ph.D., A.I's-iS-/llnt Professor of P.~ycf!l)fog(l; Lovern Reuben S, H. Holthaus, A.B., A3\'1., S.T.H., Ligon, A.B., AJ ..I., illstnu;tor ill l'.'ychofogy Ph.D., Proiessor oi Philosophy 21
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