Page 256 - YB1963
P. 256
Successes Spark Spring Sports Finishing out one of the finest £.111 and captain Jerry Miller pervaded the ranks dur- winter sports seasons in the history of WMC, ing the entire season as time and again the "the Hill's" varsity athletes turned their team came from behind to retrieve close attention to the four spring sports of base- matches. Finishing the season with a 10 ball, tennis, track and golf. and 4 record, highlighted hy .1 5-4 win over Playing their first season under their new Hopkins, the team said good-bye to net snu coach, Fern Hitchcock, the baseball team Hank Shimizu, who returned to Japan won the Middle Atlantic Conference, Coach Dick Clower continued his efforts Southern College Division Championship. to rebuild a track team as many promising Outstanding performances during the sea- freshmen and sophomores turned out for son were turned in by Charlie Walter and the squad. Two record-breaking perform- Hex Walker who led the powerful Terror ances highlighted their 2 and 6 record: a hitting attack. Hetiring this year are Waync 22.l-sccond 220 dash by Chuck Gray and a Whitmore and Lance Klein, who for four 194-foot javelin throw by Frank Kidd. Co- years have formed one of the best pitching captains Tom O'Malley and Jerry Hiehman duos in the Mason-Dixon. provided able leadership. The tennis team and their coach, Professor Finishing the season with a 4 and 4 Hurt, enjoyed one of their best seasons in record, the golf team profited greatly from recent years capturing second position in returning lettermen Dave Markey, Bob both the Mason-Dixon and Middle Atlantic Ginsberg, and Stu Abrams. The te.UTI was Conferences. The spirit and ability of team coached by Iver Magnussen. 1963 BASEB-";LL TEA1I·1. Bottom row, le!.l. to righl; S. Joyner, T. 1Ihgnotto, It Walker, W. Myers (11l~1l- ugcr ), D. AmiCO, D. Ilorton, .~-. Ingalls. Secoru/ row: H. Yobst, L. Biser, D. Schmidt, C. Smink, ~. tub- hard, E. \Vilhs, N. Hoffman. IllIrd row; J. Hook, D. Lins, II. Mooney, C. $ohn, L. Klein, \V. wranuorc. F. Hitchcock (Coach).
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