Page 17 - YB1963
P. 17
Dedication After the long and painful process of grow- 'I'Ve may recall a challenging class spiced ing up is behind us, we look back with grate- with quickly-executed caricatures nnd biting ful hearts to those who have stretched guiding humor or a conference freely-given despite hands toward us through the years. an overfull schedule. 'I'Ve may remember We of 1963 will remember in particular a merely a tall, dignified figure with briefcase, man whose influence we have felt throughout cap and pipe. But we will remember. four bittersweet years of college. To us he is By devoted service to Our college and by as inseparable a part of wesrem Maryland enduring faith in our individual worth, he has College as Memorial Arch or the cornerstone won a place in Our hearts as he helped us to ofOldf..'lain. take cur long step into the future. It is Our The college itself first felt his presence when privilege to dedicate the 1963 ALOHA to as an undergraduate here he played a major role in establishing two of Western Maryland's De. JOIlN DONALO M.\KQSKY most important student activities-the frater- nity system and the Gold Bug. Now, as Pro- fessor of English, head of his department and Dean of Faculty, he helps to maintain a high academic standard of which Western Mary. land is justly proud. Dedication to this high standard of scholar- ship has earned for him the reputation as a "tough" professor who makes us think with demanding assignments and probing exam questions. And, with a smile lurking behind his well-used pipe, he watches LIS open our minds to truth. But the classroom is not his only domain. \Ve meet him in almost every phase of life on "The Hill." Past college generations have bene- fited from his coaching in both golf and debat- ing. Occasionally he has employed his journal- istic talents to air his opinions to students via the cu« Bug. He often joins us in our social activities. His office is always open when we need the encouragement of wise and patient counsel. 13
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