Page 111 - YB1963
P. 111
"Tllillk before uou kick!" LASZLO ZSEBEDlCS Physical Education - Education Canuna Beta Chi 2, 3, 4; LFC 3 (Secretary 3); Dorm CoullcilS; Soccer Team 1, 2, 3, 4; Junior Follies. "Laz" .. "That's right, Z-S-E-B-E-D-I-C-S". Decided to spend his senior year in Vetville ... Even snores with an Hungarian accent. . Makes Westminster his home town. Used to be seen in a dining hall jacket. . Studying is his favorite pastime Likes to playa fall sport called soccer. One line in Junior Follies got big laugh. SENIOR CLASS OFF!CEHS. Left to right; Barbara Earhart (Vice-President); Wayne Whitmore [Treasurer}, Carolyn Webster (Secretary); Jackson Dny (SCA Hepresentntive}, Dngmnr [ceres (SCA ltcprosentatfve}, David Humphrey (President). 105
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