Page 104 - YB1963
P. 104
MARGARET RUTH VERDONE English - Education Delta Sigma Kappa 2, 3 (Chaplain 2); Honor Court 4; SeA 1, 2, .'3,4; LSA 1, 2, 3 (Secretary 2, Area vice-Preetdow 3, President 3); Religious Life COtillcil2, 3; SEA 4; [unior Follies "Ruth". . Exterminators, Inc. .. Undecided ''But I was in the Follies" . Unofficial freshman advisor. . Infirmary is her second home ... Popcorn parties ... "It's you and me against the world". Turtle. . Brings cake for own SURPRISE party .. Sled rider Loves brown bedspreads . Mamma Bear. HOWAHD WAGNER Economics Alpha Gamma Tau 2, 3, 4; Basketball Team 1, 2, 3, 4; lnuomurat Sports 1, 2, 3; Junior Follies. "Howie" ... The Brooklyn Fog-horn .. "Oh, When the Saints" .. Never had 11 pet until college-then frog, rabbit, turtles, duck, and parakeet jeanie's boy Stockholder in certain local establishments Spanish Rice. Has been known to score- twice 13 is his "lucky" number ... Wowie and Hickey. JANET BARBARA WALKER Sociology Phi Alpha Mu 2, 3, 4 (Alumni Secretary 4); ALOHA; lraromurol Sports 2; YOf/.llg Republican Club (Vice-President 3, 4); [uniot Follies; FAC. "Walker" .. Posey-Gatherer T stands for Tall ... Taller of the two Jam. Four-year roommate plan ... New "baby" every year ... Panna, not Piano ... Our "Auntie Marne" ... Four-year Phi Alph Once wrecked the New Regime ... Oh, "G." "But, [onnie, ;,'IIeuxnuedto learn how "At least the tood's good keret" to play,"
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