Page 7 - YB1962
P. 7
LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE. Each September brings renewed expectations and ambitions, and a supply of days stretches before us waiting to be filled. The ALOHA, too, in September, is only blank pages and new ideas for ways to tell the familiar story of life on the Hill. As the year unfolds the days and pages overflow with activity. Each May the ALOHA presents a record of another year at Western Maryland. But this May we must look beneath and beyond the scenes of daily campus living to redis- cover the basic goals of our education. The 1962 ALOHA brings the story of ;1 liberal arts college where, ideally, men strive to relate truth to all of life, to Form ideas into ;1 plan for service, to discover man's need for man, and his relation to his world. This insti- tution and this book rest firmly on the belief that no man can stand alone.
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