Page 50 - YB1962
P. 50
LSA Concentrates On Membership LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION. First row, leit to right: H. Verdone (president),~! Olsen, V. SChUm],ln, C. Emmel, Second row: J. l-Iyers, ,\1. Zimmenu.m (secretary-treasurer), \\', Koeber, D. Humphrey, '\1. Lewis. MSM Presents Pros And Cons ,\IETHODIST STUDENT MOVE,\IENT. First raw, lcft to rig/It: 1'. Zuelumns, J. Shnnholtz, L Landis {vtce-president ), S. Boeder, 1'. Haver, C. Bowen, D, Wulker, D, Culvert. Seem!!/ row: C. Swenson, B. Meineke, N. Gardner, S. Rushton, D. Pettigrew, '\1. Hiller (secretary), H. Grover. Third row: T. Astle, H. "[:mlhey, S. Green, O. Guenther, C. Strctn (president), J. Blackburn. 46
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