Page 25 - YB1962
P. 25
... his relationship to a Higher Being PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION DEPARTMENT Charles E. Crain, A.B., B.D., Ph.I).; Associate Pro- fessor of Religion and Director of Religious Activities. Reuben S. H. Holthaus, A.B., A.l\I., S.T.B., Ph,D.; Professor of PMlosollhy . . . . his inner self PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT Henry A. Nnrunowtcz, A.B., A.1>1., Ph.D.; Associate Professor of Psychology, Oltve n. Bussell, A.B., I'h,!).; Professor of Psyclwlo/!.!/_ 1'1 CAMi\IA l\1U. First row, lefl to rigill: C. Unkllft, H. Manthey, R. \Vent-I., L. Alpcrstci», l\l. Lcmkan Secoud ruw: Denn \V. Da'id, j. Day, D. Littleficld (secretary), Dr. T. Whit· field [rrensurcr }, C. Cohen (presi- dent), Dr. H. Price, Dr W. i\kGiIl, It Holt (vicc-prcsidcnt) 21
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