Page 194 - YB1962
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THE SOPHOMORE CLASS Full found us eager to initiate the freshmen tion of our new officers, we reviewed our plans and to assume the roles of sophomores. It was for a fireside which was to become an annual a good feeling to be upperclassmen and to be ill-fair for our class. on the other side of the desk at Hat Court. The Sorority and fraternity pledging soon hum- reign of the Rat Rules was shortened but we bled us again and brought about the first divi- concentrated our efforts on getting to know the sion of our class. New opportunities and new comers to our campus. Being Big Sisters responsibilities made us aware of our position and Brothers helped us to become better ac- in the campus community. But regardless of quainted with them also, and we found many our new loyalties we pride ourselves on main- new friends among the freshmen. taining the strong unity that characterized OUI We began our second year on the Hill with freshman year. another successful hayride. Under the dtrec- First roro, left 10 rig"t: J. Broztk, M. Hcmmerlv, L. Rohson, L. Fabre, C. \Vilkinson, T. Hahn, J. Ryan, L. Chil- coat, J. C;uscndcn, L. Bihy, G. Allen, /I..!. Buffington, K. Wilson. Secu"d row: C. Narheth, P. Agee, J. Myers, C. DeGraw, S. Houck, K. Abernethy, N. Auth, R. Grover, B. Owens, J. Breland, R. Hopkins, E. Wrlsman. Third row: C. Davis, L. Schurman, S. Gordon, N. Miller, 1'. Harrison, G. Hatton, B. Holland, K. Languis, /1.1. Myers, K. Morse, C. Evans, B. Boeder. FU!ut" row: 13.Hncmstein, B. Carson, D. Hinrieks, C. Arrieta, J. Lucas, H. Goebel, D. Beck, S. Htggtn, B. Hcngren, S. Stauffer, J. Firestone. Fi/lh row: C. Wils~n, J. Bhinesmith, W. Wrigl~t, It Price, S. Broadbent, S. Dearing, III. Creamer, S. Bayley, B. Hall, G. Schelzel. S,xth row: 1. Kressler, C. McGmnes, B. Georg, T. Magruder, D. Stiles, B. Kruhm, J. Morse, J. \Vendernth, J. Baroch, B. Ch;ISC, T. Bowman, M. Sherwood.
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