Page 178 - YB1962
P. 178
SENIOH CLASS OFFICEHS. First row. Lucille Tucker, secretary; Nancy Roelke, vlcc-presklcnt: Kay \Vard, SCI\ representaLive. Second row; John Crove, treasurer; Downey Price, president; Arthur Alperstein, SCA representative. Seniors Reflect on Prosperous Four Years ... We entered Western Maryland in 1958 as When we reached the status of juniors we hundreds of freshmen before us with beanies began to realize how many of us had already on our heads and confused looks on our faces. gone our separate W'lyS.Some of us had left Each of us brought ideas and hopes of ideal for various reasons, hut those who remained college living. continued to grow and change almost unaware We struggled through our "Hat Year" and of the value of what we were learning. saw the last of the Hec Hall and Old Main. We This year was quite a busy one for us with mixed at mixers, decorated Carpe Diem, suf- the Junior-Senior Prom and, of course, the fered through study hours, and did <111 the traditional Follies. We worked hard together other things typical of "green" freshmen. and we worked together well, and on May 5 we felt that" Our memory on the Hill Our sophomore year made us aware of OUI name "wise fools" as we put everything aside would never fade." Again we showed our to obey our upperclass masters. Although originality and determination as we brought divided by colors and jackets we remained a the Four Freshmen to Westminster! The pro- united class, and found time to plan and enjoy Fitswere few but we were glad to have intro- it sophomore hayride. Straw-scattered park- duced another "first" The year closed with ing lots reminded us for weeks of the fun we elections and sighs of disbelief that at long last had together. we were seniors. 174
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