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CONSTANCE KIMOS Towson transfer Intellectunl commuter,. The mlllti-lingunl kid Thcodore, the mysterious mouse Ukulele named Freundmuchcr French Cupid unaware. [npanese poetry Tlloughtfulness and creativity combined "TIle apartment downtown senior year. Self-styled pixie. LOUISE LANDIS Weegie Took four years to go on ,1 diet ... "Whrub a vithouth?" Religion Spent two years in physics lab, although ,1 religion major .. Thought I'd die in a pile! . Majors in extra-curricular activities. "Be My Love" Loves little horses Disturbs pence with Landis IaUghtl:lL ~'IARY LEMKAU Lempkin. . Wicked city woman NYU.. Europe on a shoe string Level head in all crises ... Everyone's confidante and friend Pence Sociology Corps and-Sociology Deep thinker and ... Faithful ~~"1~~~:~fJ Inspiration with a capital "1" admirer of the DAVID LITTLEFIELD Whitfield's protege-wit]l a Yankee accent! . Resurrected the mc ... "This place doesn't have the proper respect for intellectualism". . "Caus- History tic Crusader". . ,Peanut butter and chapel cards Once lived in Minnie's basement tor three weeks. Ponytail hanging on his wall! JAMES LOMAX One of Goldring's boys. "Allright. everybody out of the pool .. All Chemistry the way with Gamma Beta Chi ] ve got to serve you breakfnsr!' Downtown more than uptown Shared pad 345 with Half and Fetus Never seen smoking Lo.. One of the thirty-five letter winners. JOSEPH McDADE Da~l~{aste~~ ~::~~~I~~~~-~~repl~~o:::;~ee~;~id'S "ig~~e rigl;t;t~g~<~:~?, Biology - Pre-Medical .. Bot! . Altitude check .. I mean after all "Rodney "ROTC. picked up tile twist after a little coaxing Uses Tom as nn alarm 148 ___j
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