Page 132 - YB1962
P. 132
MARIE BLACK "I'm so far behind" Education in the "knowledge of the lmd" by her roommate. "Co ahead, I'll be there in a minute" . Neat nnd sweet English - Education ti~eT.(I~ks__ft~: got '~~vs~l~f;..t~ n.l~~~~~li~~~i~~::r" .C~:;~~H~r~~{I~dl;~~!~:: THERESA BLACK Teddy Co-founder of the annual mid-year vacation in New York Englis!l Once wore p. [. s. in the grille First shower-summer school '61 ~~;e~X~~~~~yi~~~~~o~e~~IJ~~V.H.Seen :~d~~~I~~S'1~~;!~~:'/~~il~3~:I~·:I~~~~ler.· CAROLYN BOWEN Does math problems with French accent . "Oid I take my vitamin?" Mnkes confetti of old newspapers. \Vuiling .for her ship to come in Mathem,ltics - French Education ~~~~~r~:·\rri~!~e~~~o~~ ~iSll~t,~\;(~~av~l~r ~.;i~~ll;:m:~~dC~~fer~:~:~er . DA\'10 ANDEHS Only guy ever to have enough numerals to make his social security number in chenille . Fifth official in the Ilopkins gilme . One of the best ~I,lthematics - Education orators since Edmund Burke and Jim Avnet . Violently opposed to Open Door Policy ... Disliked Ceorge Washington for some reason. JA~IES AVNET Will Fish \Vould you like to run yom fingers throllgh my hair? .. A Economics two dab mun . . Have net, will Hsh Nickel nose . . Hollvwood here I come .. Theme song. "I'm the Greatest" "OOIl't argue, I'm right" .. Second only to Patrick Henry ill orution . Psychoanalyze me, Fred. HARRY BACAS Orgilnization personffied . "Play on Coze" Preachers' workhorse. Clower's answer to Olympians . Only two-time loser who is still a Will- Economics ner .. W1o.IC's gain was U of 10.1, CWO, and AU's loss. "Don't worry. I'll take care of it" "There's no doubt in illy mind, Dr. Price." 128
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