Page 98 - YB1961
P. 98
DELT/\ SIGMA KAPPA. Firslrow, left 10 right: S. Garretson, 1'. Stake"" A. Vincent, D. xmes, e. Heflin, H. Mur- ray,.I. Holtse. Scco"d row: C. Latham. L. Connors. 13. Holland. M. Whaley. M. Willms, L Cairns. Mrs. K. Clower, F. Carmichael. Third row: P. Hiller, J. Reed. B. Yingling, .I. Lorry, K. Ree~e, L. Leffler, S. Beeler, M. Tl"Olm,,,,. ,\I. Olsen. FOII.-Ih row: N. Da\'is, L. Hackcu, K. Sclo~""beland. G. \\~ar~eld, 1- Springer, B. Willker, B. Fontaine, C. Barnes, L. Zahrudka. I' RCYCl';lf[, G. Alexander. Fi/iit 1'0111:D. Lcmuscr, M. CaSlran()l'a. D. Glaser, J. Hillman, 1'. Zacharias. II. Tibbs. S. Ward, L. DuVal. B. MOOIl, T. CI'llk. 1'. f{a\'er. Sixlli rrna; J. Harrison, F. Fuller, J. Creamer, .I. Hopkins, a. Verdone, G. Archer, C. Unkart, C. Hoecker, n. Terry, H. Griscom, D. Pettigrew, N. Thomas. Advisur, Mrs, K. Clower. "WE'RE ALL GOOD DEllS .•• " This year has been one of firsts for the Delts. The twemy-niuc enthusiastic pledges selected their first "Ideal Pledge." Later, at a special ceremony, a senior was honored as the "Outstanding Delt." The annual birth- day banquet, which was held this year in honor of their first sponsor, Mrs. George S. Wills, was highlighted by an unannounced guest speaker. 111 hopes of keeping in touch with past members, an alumni association was formed. After the addition of new Im-niture, rheu clubroom seemed completely different, but the same spirit of sisterhood prevailed
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