Page 91 - YB1961
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VOICE OF THE STUDENTS All students at western Maryland are mem- bers of their Student Government Association, it governing body that meets weekly and in- cludes representatives and a cabinet of voting members elected by the students. This year's S.C.A. has exhibited all active concern [or Glinpus p.u-ucipauon ill student government by holding rnoruhly open meetings and by fostering' the growth of new ideas in the wef l planned fall leadership conference. Other responsibilities of the S.C.A. include orientation week, Homecoming, and special school activities. By far, however, the largest task of the S.C.A. has been ironing out the wrinkles in our new honor system, a student initiated venture. This same initiative is the spark of our suc- cess; every student should become familial with his campus government and, we hope, Follow the example of this year's able leaders. D~~ and Don 'Ind decisions. 87
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