Page 54 - YB1961
P. 54
EXPLORING THE REALMS OF ART College life on the Hill offers opporeunides dienne, and Theodore Ullman, pianist. As an for the person interested in developing both added pleasure, we heard the Nauonal Sym. deeper aesthetic values and a creative imagina- phony and attended faculty music recitals. tion. One of the areas in which he may bring Not only visiuug glOllpS, but activities 011 his ideas LO fruition is in the realm of art. campus give evidence that music is popular Although campus interest in art has been at at Western Maryland. The College Choir, an ebb recently, the same spirit that prevailed which adds much to our Chapel services, also at Old Main's exhibits is still fostered by a gives programs at Clu-isunas and Commence- lew faithful individuals. ment. The Women's Glee Club' and the Col- Drama, ;1 sister to the plastic arts, attracts lege Octet are other active music groups, the interest, too. Quite a fell' students work in latter boasting a student conductor. Student- the drama department; in [act, some become centered also are the symphony and band; members or the College Players, the group reo the former gives student-conducted concerts sponstb!e for campus dramatic productions and the band contributes to half-time activi- Naturally, they were pleased this when ties at football gnllles.lncieed, each of the "The Merchant of Venice" was to Hill's activities in the arts is helping, through our stage by Players, Inc. Two ouicr outstand- its work, to build a society that encourages ing visitors were Anna Russell, concert come creative expression. 50
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