Page 45 - YB1961
P. 45
EXAMINING SPIRITUAL CONVICTIONS In various through the years, western which our class is proudly responsible. We Marylnnd has to help her students gain watched, also, as arrangcmerus were ronde 1"01 illsight into their individual lives. This aim our yearly \V.U.S. bazaar, which was sup- part of the Hill, as ported by the ernire campus. Sma lie I denomi- doors of the nauonal groups were at work this too, expanding' membership or joining in a united effort to further encourage fellowship. The question of real participation sut! rests tivi ucs of religioLls organizations on tbe cam- with each individual, however, 1"01' all the as- pus. The Religious Life Council represents sociations, dubs, and organizations imagin- these different denominational and co- able will profit us notbing: if we cannot reach ordinates activities that have past other people with our purpose and with our become traditions .u western enthusiasm. Anyone concerned about the This year lhe largest religions organization wonders and questions in our universe, any- on campus, the S.C.A., succeeded in arous- one who has ever marvelled at the seasonal ing interest in their new progr
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