Page 36 - YB1961
P. 36
PURSUING ACADEMIC IDEALS Here at western Maryland, student in- research field and to bring together terests have often sparked the formation 01 people common interests. Such special clubs and societies, many of which are soceues not be continued without stu- directly related to OUf classroom pursuits. dent support and initiative, however. Those people drawn to classical heritage, lor lndeed, this same initiative has brought to instance, have formed and perpetuated a LIS this year what is perhaps the prime ex- Classics Club: likewise, people interested in ample or student participation in campus French culture may join the French Club. In lire; for when the symbolic remnant or Old addition, anyone in our student ~ody hils an Main was mounted at the center of our earn- opportunity to become a part of the Home pus last spring. another strong yet more in- Economics Club, the Student Education As tangible cornerstone was being set in OUI sociarion, or the International Relations Cluh. school's changing Ioundauon. This was the People who have proven themselves not idea or an academic honor system For western only interested but also proficient in their Marvlaud College. Entirely student-initiated, studies may become members of the Argo- student-legislated, and finally accepted by the nauts, our GIIllpliS honor society. National students as a body. our honor system now honorar-ics have a place 011 the Hill, too: in begins to mark its influence in the claSSIOOIll music, Delta Omicron: in social sciences, Pi and, we J.l?pe, ill every phase or our college's Gamma Mu: and in biology, Beta Bela Beta. student Ide. Each or these societies works to foster more 32
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